Every year your audience is bombarded with holiday messages.
To make sure your prospects and customers are paying attention… you need to know what healthcare marketing campaigns will spur them into action.
Plus, people are expecting more campaigns and promotions during the holidays… will you let your audience go to someone else? Or will you keep their attention this season?
The holidays serve as an important time to make sure you’re staying top of mind for your audience. But, it’s not always easy trying to figure out the right campaign to set up.
Here are 2 compelling holiday marketing campaigns you can emulate to launch your next big campaign.
Giving Back (CISCO)
Oftentimes, the simplest campaigns are the most effective.
Back in 2012, CISCO (a networking software firm) put together a noble charitable Christmas campaign titled, “How Do You Give Back?” CISCO created this Facebook campaign and asked their audience to share stories of how they gave back to their community.
So what? Anybody can ask their community a simple question. What’s so special about this campaign?
CISCO created an interesting spin with the campaign. For every response they received, CISCO would donate four meals to the World Food Program.
The campaign blew up. The holiday campaign not only focused on giving (which is a common theme around Christmas), but it created a flurry of engagement on social media.
The reason it worked so well is because people didn’t even have to pull out their wallets to make a difference. All they had to do was write a comment. They knew they would be helping four people receive a meal which made the campaign go viral.
CISCO was not only able to give back during the holidays in a big way… But they were also able to leap above the noise of nearly every other holiday campaign that year. And creating that type of engagement is not an easy task for a B2B company.
Create A Content Series (The Economist)
As soon as Halloween is over, Christmas moves
on in (whether you like it or not). You can either take it or leave it, but if
you want to have a successful December, I suggest you take it and run with it.
The Economist decided to take advantage of the season at the beginning of
December with ‘Advent’. No, they didn’t send out advent calendars filled with
chocolate. They sent out a different type of advent calendar. They sent out an advent calendar of content.
They created a digital advent calendar that took you to a new piece of content
every day leading up to Christmas. Whether it was a video, a blog post, or a
simple tip, they took their audience through an exciting journey leading up to
As much as you already know how important content marketing is, It’s not always
easy coming up with ideas. This advent calendar is an easy win in any
healthcare marketer’s content strategy for the holidays. Plus, you don’t even
have to create 25 pieces of new content. You could repurpose previously made
content and work it in throughout the calendar.
If you’re thinking it’s still too much content for one month, just do half.
Skip the advent calendar and create a “12 Days of Christmas” content
What campaigns moved you during the holidays? Let us know what your favorite holiday marketing campaigns are.